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Current projects (that aren't animation...)
Painting. Drawing. Illustration. Comics. I think I don't care what the difference is any more.
It's about stories, communication, emotion. Telling interesting stories and hopefully making beautiful or interesting or challenging images that make people think and might bring them joy. And it's about the joy of making them.

2023 The Sea Picture story book

The book of the film; an old film, I'm better at drawing now and wanted to do justice to Annie, Beatrice and their enduring friendship, which leads Annie to desperate but ultimately joyful measures.
Quite a challenge as this is portrait where the film was landscape. And pacing is harder in a picture book. I made two versions: one simpler, the other more "lino-cutty"

2022 3 Sheds Picture story book

"Benny dreamt of swimming in the lake behind the garden. He wanted to feel weightless and graceful and dance in the water like a fish.
He wanted to float in the cool blue-green water and rock the seedlings to sleep in their trays, until the sun warmed their earth and woke them up again."

2022 A-Z of Sheds book

T was a treehouse or "shed-in-the-sky"; a look-out, a playroom, a shed that can fly

3 for a Threatening, threadbare thatched-hut

2021 The Daily Shed
An everlasting calendar. 366 sheds in a book

Stan: The Dark Shed, Lord of the Woodlice preferred to be known as Stan

Asher: Asher was bracing himself for a spectacular comeback; any day now...

2020 Lockdown comics :

a series of challenges set by an online comic book drawing course... during which I realised I wasn't very interested in comics, but I was interested in strip cartoons and the way in which narrative is divided into different sized chunks of time...

2018 Book Covers

...for poetry compilations by Nick Round. I was going to do them in glorious technicolour... but the client decides

2017 The Real Tree

Illustrations for a children's story by Anna Round. A collaborative project


Shakespeare Comix. Adaptations from the short short animations. Experiments in layout and language